Our roadmap towards a thriving, regenerating planet.

Last updated May 2021

<aside> ⚡ The Regeneration White Paper is a living document representing our reason for being, evolving values and (organizational) principles and guidelines for how we can together create a planet where life thrives as a whole.


Why we exist

There are three main reasons why Regeneration has been brought to live:

👉 Lost Impact Potential

These factors lead to the unfulfilled impact potential of individuals and organisations who want to contribute to a thriving, regenerating planet.

Our purpose

Our purpose is our North Star and guides everything we do. It was developed by and refined together with our community members and it contains both our vision and mission.

Our Mission: Regeneration is a global eco-system fostering meaningful connections between people and initiatives to create, sustain and scale regenerative change and to connect more of the climate movement to itself. Our Vision: We envision a world where everyone is part of inclusive and diverse communities in which people deeply connect and co-create positive action by regenerating our social, ecological and economical systems.

From Ego to Eco

To create a thriving, regenerative planet, we need to shift from Ego to Eco. It's not about "me". It's about "us".
