Well, hello there 👋 Welcome to the internet's only all-in-one workspace for essential work tools! Sounds fancy, but honestly — at the end of the day — Notion's just a set of building blocks for creating things you love to use on your computer. Things like:

Here are all the tips you need to contribute on Notion


You can Edit by clicking on the Edit button


After clicking this button, you'll need to log in or create a Notion account. Our Notion page works best when you create a personal account on Notion, as this is the best way to learn how to use the program 🙂 After this you can start editing!


When you're done, press Done editing


Notion is the place where we bundle our collective wisdom. Offer your opinion or ask a question by commenting on specific text, images, or other content blocks on a page.

Create a Page

In your sidebar, click the + that appears next to the word Workspace on hover. A new page will appear. Give it a title and start typing like you would in any other document.


You can add headings and subheadings in one of two ways: